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Number 9
The Hypocrisy of the Philippines National Police Human Rights Mobile App
Carlos Eduardo López
In Egypt, Both Sexual Harassment and Child Marriages Continue to Plague the Country
Andrei V. Tabarev
After Authorities Evict Beijing's ‘Low-End’ Residents, Chinese Ask: Where Is the Humanity?
Clemencia Plazas
Scrutiny and Doubt Over Rape Victim's Testimony Sparks Outrage in Spain
Iraida Vargas-Arenas
"Not content with raping us, men also have to tell us how to behave before, during and after the rape."
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This Brazilian Doctor Says Science Has Evolved, but Stigma Against HIV Remains
Clemencia Plazas
"The voices of people living with HIV are neglected by the media, which often portrays them as victims, or examples not to be followed, under the auspices of promoting prevention"
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