ORCID https://orcid.org/000X-000X-000X-000X
Articles by Clemencia Plazas:

Just as rural migrant workers were forced out of their dwellings into the streets, Beijing’s temperature fell to below 0 degrees Celsius at night. 
"The voices of people living with HIV are neglected by the media, which often portrays them as victims, or examples not to be followed, under the auspices of promoting prevention" 
A seagull appearing on the 500 tenge note was claimed by a Swiss photographer, but officials have not acknowledged copyright infringement. 
As Victoria becomes the first Australian state to legalise euthanasia, the country remains divided over what is being called a new, progressive trend in Australian politics. 
An Iranian court sentenced two Ahwazi Arab men to death and gave six others three to 25 years for the crimes of alleged membership in non-existent opposition groups. 
Within the Andean Area of Metallurgy evidence for close interaction can be detected over the region which we will call here the Southern Intermediate Area; influences from this area extended beyond its territorial boundaries.