International Journal of South American Archaeology - IJSA

/ 作者说明


International Journal of South American Archaeology - IJSA is a academic journal published in continuous publication model. This means that as soon as an article is ready to be published, it will be immediately released online rather than waiting for other articles in the issue to be completed, resulting in faster access to the final version of the article.

What is continuous publication?

Issues will build gradually, with articles being added to the contents list as soon as they are ready. The "issue in progress" is the issue that is open and that we are adding new articles to as soon as they are ready to be published. The most recent articles appear at the top of the relevant section.

International Journal of South American Archaeology - IJSA publishes original papers on the archaeology, ethnohistory, and art history of Latin America and the Caribbean and all regions in the continental New World that are south of the current U.S.-Mexico border. The journal publishes Articles, Reports, and Comments in method and theory, field research, and analysis that use a Latin American database as defined above.

Accepted for publication Original Research Articles, Research Progress Articles, Field Reports, Articles Reviews, Books Reviews and Obituaries. Contributions can be sent in Spanish, Portuguese or English Languages.

Article Types Accepted

  • Article*.
  • Comment.
  • Report*.
  • Review.

* If publishing Gold Open Access, all or part of the publication costs for these article types may be covered by one of the agreements Syllaba Press International Inc. has made to support open access.

This journal uses a single-anonymous model of peer review.